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5. Trees of Life in Other Mystical Traditions

O. Tree of Taoist Alchemy

In the meditation process of Taoist internal alchemy, the pure intention (yi) of the Upper Tan (i.e. will of Vast Face) in the forehead center (Ajna Chakra) directs the heart-mind fire of the Middle Tan (thoracic center) to concentrate in the water of the Lower Tan Tien in the abdominal center (Sefirah Foundation/ Below, Svadhisthana Chakra). The fire of the heart-mind heats the water and turns it into steam i.e. qi (vital energy). Tree of Taoist Internal AlchemyThe qi steam rises, refines, and circulates in the higher centers. This is the same as the Shekhinah rising up the Central Column of the qabalistic Tree, and the Kundalini awakening and rising up the Shushumna of the Chakric Tree.(see Diagram).

When the qi (vital energy) refines and unites with shen (spirit) in the heart center, wood (heart’s passion) and metal (original nature) unite. With the union of qi (water) and shen (fire), wood returns to its source in the liver and metal to its source in the lungs, whereby Heaven and Earth revert to their original positions and the Tree returns to the “Before-the-World Sequence” (i.e. the Tree becomes Perfect.)Rawson, Philip and Legaza, Laslo. TAO: Chinese Philosophy of Change and Time, Thames and Hudson, NY. Ni, Hua-Ching. Mysticism: Empowering the Spirit Within, 1992.

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