


       Thoth living forever has made a group mind including:


               A SPACESHIP CREW

               GAIA - A Planetary Unity Life Consciousness

               HIRANYAMENA - A Solar Creator

               HERA - A Galactic Creator

               BRENDA VENUS - A Cosmocreatrix (Universe Creator)

               GREAT CENTRAL SUN - A Multiverse Creator

       This group has made a Transmultiverse Creation, replacing an older Multiverse. This Transmultiverse System, designed by Thoth to work directly off the Substratum, lives eternally. The inhabitants of the Transmultiverse System are all happy as sorrow, suffering and death are not needed to make it go.

       Great Central Sun, the Creator of the Transmultiverse System, is talking to Thoth.

GREAT CENTRAL SUN: (to Thoth)  Th Transmultiverse System is working very well. I find aleph-2 transfinite numbers of universes protected by NINE's Arik Anpin barrier. However, I notice a large number of copies of the Transmultiverse falling into the Substratum.

       I cannot communicate with these copies, nor do I remember making them. Could you take the Spaceship-Horn to these copies, and find out what they are like?


THOTH: (to Great Central Sun)  Of course. This is what the Spaceship-Horn is intended to do - make Ladders of Fire to places, times, dimensions that need exploration. I leave immediately.

GREAT CENTRAL SUN: (to Thoth)  Do not use any Spaceship-Horn function that i am using in the Transmultiverse Creation.

THOTH: (to Great Central Sun)  I will not do so.

       (Thoth then meets with Wolf and the Spaceship Crew.)

THOTH: (to the Crew)  We need to take the Horn through the Barrier into the Substratum as a Void. Wolf, in Her Itzpapalotl form, can again spin a Silver Cord for us to get back to where we started.

       I show a local map of the Transmultiverse System (see Plate 9). Do you see these tiny copies of Great Central Sun, without the creative OM - the root vibration of Great Central Sun?

LORD OF THE SIX: (to Thoth)  Yes, I see them. There are 17 in sight. They seem to be falling into the Substratum, unconnected to anything in Great Central Sun's Transmultiverse.

THOTH: (to the Crew)  I want to visit that one (indicating one) without disturbing any Transmultiverse support system based in the Spaceship-Horn.

SPACESHIP CREW: (to Thoth)  We can do that immediately.

       (The Spaceship-Horn leaves its current mooring on GAIA and transports instantly to the tiny Transmultiverse system indicated on the Transmultiverse map.)

THOTH: (to the Crew, looking at the target system)  This seems to be a poor copy of Great Central Sun's Transmultiverse system. It is minus the root vibration, the OM, so it is falling into the Substratum and dissolving as it goes. This is the way the Pool-Cleaner is supposed to work....SO....let's just let it go on falling and dissolving.

SPACESHIP CREW: (to Thoth)  Do you want to go to the other 16 copies that we can see on the Transmultivesre map?

THOTH: (to the Crew)  YES....let's find out if they are all this way.

       (They do find out that all the poor copies are deficient in one way or another.)

THOTH: (to the Crew)  WELL....that's the 17th Transmultiverse copy. All are bad. All are dissolving into the Substratum. Let's use the Silver Cord to go back to our original berth.

       (They do so. Thoth goes on to Great Central Sun to report on the Spaceship-Horn's discoveries.)

THOTH: (to Great Central Sun)  I have gone to 17 of the Transmultiverse copies You indicated and find all are defective. They all lack Your vitalizing creative vibrations.

       They originate in random fluctuations in Your fundamental creativity. The Pool-Cleaner has dropped them automatically into the Substratum, where they are dissolving.

       I suggest that We let them dissolve there. With a similar effort to saving them, we can have new good ones!

GREAT CENTRAL SUN: (to Thoth) If You had taken that attitude toward the old Brenda Venus universe, We would never have made the new Transmultiverse system.

THOTH: (to Great Central Sun)  That is true.

       (Thoth looks thoughtful.)

END: Part 7 of the THE adventures of thoth living forever, entitled THE SUBSTRATUM

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