
PART 2:  THE Planet


       thoth Living Forever, accompanied by Wolf, have joined a Circle of 9 Lords of Light. They make the 10th in the Circle. They are in a Spaceship called The Horn, about 45 kilometers long, moored interdimensionally one kilometer deep in a Planet called Gaia. Thoth has made a group mind in order to facilitate communication and improve efficiency. This group mind is a huge success.  Thoth is now talking to the Circle:

THOTH: (to the Circle)  WILL the Circle, BE UNBROKEN, in that distant and far off time.

LORD OF THE NINE:  (to the Circle)  WILL the Circle, BE UNBOUNDED, in that distant and far off time.

WOLF: (to the Circle)  All right. So this Circle is named WILL.  What happens next!

THOTH: (to the Circle)  The creations are nothing but Will and Idea. Next, let's communicate with the Planet around us.

LORD OF THE EIGHT: (to Thoth)  That is something that we have never done in the past. Why do it now?

THOTH: (to the Circle)  We have to make a net to capture  all the Multiverse in. We need to have an anchor in the Planet, the Star, the Galaxy, the Universe, and the Multiverse.

       We start with the Planet. It's name is GAIA.

       FIRST:  let's project 24 pyramids into the land above us. These pyramids will act as Gates of Transfer from the surface and The Horn. We will appear first to the humans on Gaia and guide them. They can come into the Spaceship, which will call the Halls of Amenti, through these pyramids.

LORD OF THE EIGHT: (to Thoth)  These humans will think, correctly, that we are GODS! We are coming up in the Land of Khem....Ancient Egypt. They will call our pyramids of transfer, the Memphis Pyramid Field.

THOTH: (to Eight)  Exactly. I suggest we take the following names, functions and appearances, which correspond to our jobs in The Horn:

SPACESHIP - THE HORN:   Halls of Amenti

LORD #  MALE NAME                    FEMALE NAME                FUNCTION: VIEW

ZERO: Khepera                                      -                               Ultimate: Beetle

ONE: Ra-Temu-Ptah-Amen                Sekhet-Het-Hurt              Unity: Sun's Disc

TWO: Shu                                        Tefnut                             Duality: Sun-Moon

THREE: Geb                                    Nut                                   Earth-Sky

FOUR: Set                                       Nebet-Het                       Night-dark magic: anteater

FIVE: Auser                                     Auset                              Day-bright magic:human

SIX: Heru                                                -                               Directions: Hawk

SEVEN: Khnemu                                    -                              Maker of Things

EIGHT: Anpu                                          -                              Abode of Dead: Jackal

NINE: Nu                                                 -                              Primeval Watery Mass

TEN: Thoth                                             -                              Truth: Ibex, feather

(A complete view of Spaceship-Horn and its Crew, as viewed by the Ancient Egyptians, is seen in Plate 4 a,b.)

EIGHT: (to Thoth)  Very well. I will open the Spaceship to immigration by humans. I will put them in the hold called 'Field of Reeds'.

THOTH: (to Eight)  Very good. That hold is a pocket Multiverse. We could actually put this entire universe in that hold and transport it anywhere, anytime, any dimension, we wish to.


               (Time passes, some 250000 years. Eight is again talking with Thoth.)

THOTH: (to Eight)  Some 250,000 years have gone by since we started our God program to the humans.  Are you satisfied with the result?

EIGHT: (to Thoth)  No. The humans have too short a life span to acquire any significant wisdom. They live and die as children. I think we should stop immigration as we are collecting in the 'Field of Reeds' only material that We can't anchor against.

THOTH: (to Eight)   I agree with you. Stop immigration. Shut off all gates to Gaia except my Gate, which I will leave at the very bottom of the largest pyramid, that of Khufu. Any more immigration will have to come through me. I think I will change my name to Hermes and run an occult, hidden program for only the best humans.

WOLF: (to Thoth)  All right, Honey, log one failure to the execution of your plan. I told you that you would not win all of them. What are you going to do next?

THOTH: (to Wolf)  The reason the human program failed was that they didn't live long enough to acquire wisdom, even under our guidance. There is another unity consciousness on Gaia that is over four billion years old. I refer to the common-mind bacteria consciousness. The biomass of these bacteria is over 100 times as massive as the total weight of humans. These bacteria are mostly blue-green algae, some anaerobic forms.

WOLF: (to Thoth)  Yes, I have noticed them also. They are holding their group mind together with telepathic bacteria, located in each one of them. They have developed to the point, by themselves without us, that they are aware of us.

       They have even developed telekinetic bacteria, and installed these in each one of them. In this way, they are teleporting their servants, such as whales, to other planets close by. Their group consciousness is a great deal more extensive than the human group consciousness. We could probably anchor the Planet well with them. I also notice that the Planet is named after their group consciousness: GAIA is the name they call themselves.

       These bacteria are the first life-form on Gaia, whereas the humans are the latest life-form on Gaia. This accounts for the bacteria's higher development. Maybe we should go to them and integrate them into our Master Plan for the Multiverse.

THOTH: (to Wolf)  Very well. I will open a dialogue with them.

       (Thoth does just that, opening up a channel to the Central Gaia Consciousness, called The Gaia Librarian.)

THOTH: (to the Gaia Librarian)  Thoth here. I want to talk to you.

GAIA: (to Thoth)  I wondered when you would get in touch with me. Did you know that I developed the humans to protect the environment against violent life destructions that I have done to myself in the past.

THOTH: (to Gaia)  No, I have not gone that far back into their history. I merely checked back some several million years.

GAIA: (to Thoth)  Look at your own human body that you have assumed. Do you see that you are already some 14 kilograms of me, your mitochondria?

THOTH: (to Gaia) WELL...YES...I see that you are correct. This means that you have been listening to all we have been doing since I assumed this body.

GAIA: (to Thoth)  And before. I am one of the Children of the Albatross. Bacteria are scattered all through this universe, including empty space.

THOTH: (interestedly, to Gaia)  When did you first see us?

GAIA: (to Thoth) I was self-conscious when the Spaceship-Horn came here. I saw them moor their ship interdimensionally. I first saw you and Itzpapalotl when Itzpapalotl started to destroy this Universe. I was still figuring out what to do about it, when I saw you had stopped Her yourself. Thank you for that. I knew at that time that you were my friend indeed!

THOTH: (to Gaia)  I am your friend for life. I have great Reverence for Life.

GAIA: (to Thoth)  That is what your Master Plan reveals. All life is too valuable to end in Death. It should be as you are: Living Forever! This is what your plan assures. So I want to join you, to be a part of your plan. I am as close to a Unity Life Consciousness as you will ever find in this Universe.

THOTH: (to Gaia)  Do you want to enter our group mind also?

GAIA: (to Thoth)  Certainly, I would be greatly honored to do so.

       (Thoth does so and Gaia enters the group mind of the Spaceship Crew.)

END: Part 2 of the THE adventures of thoth living forever, entitled THE PLANET.

<< Part 1 : The Spaceship | Table of Contents | Part 3 : The Star >>